Have you ever seen this in the store, and not know what to do with it?

This is already prepared polenta. All you need to do is
slice and reheat that simple! When making from scratch, polenta is cornmeal
that has been boiled. You can stop at this step and eat like a porridge or
thicker like a mash. Most times, it is cooled in a baking dish to set and then
baked or fried. This is a great
alternative for your starch side, simply heated in skillet and sprinkle some parmigiano, or as I prepared below as a lasagna casserole; instead
of pasta, try polenta.
Step One: Slice polenta.
Step Two: Layer with cheese and sauce. Here, I had made a meat sauce (see I did NOT call this gravy; that goes on a turkey).
Step Three: Bake at 350F until top is golden. About 25 minutes.
Step Four: Enjoy!!
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