As a kid, I always had the “weird” lunch. Whether being random cured meat on funny bread to the infamous Nutella sandwiches (“Why are you eating chocolate for lunch?!). I’m reminded of these wonderful food memories, because this being Lent, Friday school lunches usually consisted of Nutella sandwiches (or “fish-thing” – this one’s for KA and TA!). I grew up with Nutella, instead of the more American peanut butter and jelly. My mom didn’t even realize what type of “jelly” in said sandwiches had until a play date requested grape, and all we had was strawberry! Nonetheless, I was and I’m still a fan of Nutella sandwiches over pb&j any day!
Ferrero campaigned State-side that Nutella was a nutritious breakfast sandwich. I was so pleased to watch these commercials! For years, I’ve told my friends how great Nutella was, and yes, I had some converts, mostly those who traveled to Europe for some extended period, but I still had some naysayers. In Italy and most of Europe, combining chocolate with breakfast is normal. Then came along a mom in California who decided to throw a lawsuit at Nutella, and she’s arguing how a company could portray Nutella as “nutritious and healthy.” To her, I say, look at back of the peanut butter and jelly jars; the calorie count, fat, and protein are no different than a Nutella sandwich. So lady, if you’re throwing Nutella under the bus, make sure that pb&j follow too!
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